2019 05 10 inotify
layout: post title: "title" subtitle: "inotify" date: 2019-05-10 15:33:57 author: "none" header-img: "img/posts/default_post.jpg" catalog: true tags: - tag
fd = open("dir/myfile", O_RDWR);
Generates IN_OPEN events for both dir and dir/myfile.
read(fd, buf, count);
Generates IN_ACCESS events for both dir and dir/myfile.
write(fd, buf, count);
Generates IN_MODIFY events for both dir and dir/myfile.
fchmod(fd, mode);
Generates IN_ATTRIB events for both dir and dir/myfile.
Generates IN_CLOSE_WRITE events for both dir and dir/myfile.